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    38 Game Reviews

    12 w/ Responses

    I'm huge fan of your work but this really doesn't feel up to your usual standard. Fine free platformer but nothing special or memorable like your other games.

    Pretty ambitious project with many hours of gameplay. Amazing start but currently lacking a few things which would make it great.

    I've got all but one achievement and not quite completed the game yet but I don't feel like finishing it. I accidentally hit the town portal button whilst in town and that means I need to run through the whole game again with nothing to do just to get back to where I was. For half the game I've had all the hero's set and have been relying on the same two techniques so honestly it's got a little dull.

    Seems a bit strange having such a strong Egyptian theme when the equipment is inspired by Greek, Roman and Medieval weapons/armour too.

    More music would be great, ability to teleport to a particular floor, more verity and a plot and the ability to set a skill to the right button would really improve the game. What you've got is fantastic though especially for a free game.

    kor6k responds:

    Thanks for the comment, I'm already working on the bug with the town portal; it will be ok in the next version. Concerning mudic, I'm limited with size, that is why I'm only able to include 2 pieces.

    Wasn't expecting a game this good from the screenshot. Great work.
    Personally I'd like to see more difficulty come from problem solving rather than hitting buttons with precise timing but hey for a 7 day game it's great.

    It it's current state I think it's only worth 2.5 stars but you could easily get this to a 4 star game with some simple improvements.

    First sound options or at bare minimum a mute button.

    More gradual difficulty curve. Think how easy the first few levels of monkey ball were.

    It's hard to tell where you are in relation to small platforms sometimes. Most 3d platformers have the player's shaddow straight down to make this easier but there are lots of other ways of going about this, you could even have a topdown minimap.

    Camera control using the mouse would be great.

    The timing needed to bounce up the walls is pretty tight if you must have it this tight maybe make the tutorial wall shorter. Seems a bit unnessisary too considering it's never needed in the actual game (unless it's on the last level which I haven't unlocked).

    The tutorial aught to have checkpoints too because dying straight after that and repeating the section is annoying.

    I fell off the level using a jump pad and jumping to the left side on the first level with the flashing red kill barriers. This uncovered 2 problems. Inconsistancy with invisible barriors and it doesn't restart the level like it does when you are killed.

    Other than that it would be cool to have more of a reward when you complete a level, particles, more triumpant sound that kind of thing.

    Other than that what you've implemented is very solid and I hope you continue to improve it.

    CrashCZ responds:

    Thank you for your ideas I'll do my best to fix theese issues and implement theese features

    Solid snake clone with some interesting new mechanics.

    The single biggest thing you could do to improve it is to find a way of making the early game more interesting. This is an inherent problem with virtually every snake game but you do start very slow and you have a very large play area compared with most which is good but exacerbates this problem. An option to chose start speed and maybe a checkpoint system could make a huge difference.

    I scored about 10m but it didn't register for some reason, I don't really care but this could really annoy some users. Maybe get it to send the score at a more regular basis such as every 10 pickups.

    A few more UI elements such as current length, multiplier and speed might be good but I do kinda like how clean it is at the moment. I don't like the +1 indicator for speed because without knowing your current speed or base speed it doesn't really tell you very much.

    Pause would be really good.

    There's also an issue with food spawning inside the snake body which happens quite often when the snake gets long.

    Apart from that it runs nice and smooth and you've got the basic mechanics nice and solid, I really hope you continue to develop this and if you need any help send me a message.

    nitinkumar25195 responds:

    It just got stuck in my mind to just keep it simple. Displaying all that info as you pointed out will not look that clean and simple. Therefore there are those popups with each power up. About the speed there was a plan to incorporate speed plays and boosts but i will implement in maybe some other project. I will soon release a version on itch.io that might incorporate those ideas.
    I will add the pause button soon.
    Thanks for the feedback.

    I don't give 5 stars very often but this game is a masterpiece. Didn't think I could enjoy a platformer/rpg hybrid this much.

    Pretty challenging but worth it. Can't wait for the next one.

    I've got nothing against people using models/scripts or even whole scenes from the asset store if they're well implemented but in it's current state this seems lazily slapped together.

    The jump is completely useless, why bother having it at all?

    The trolley isn't pushable, vehicles and ladders aren't useable, crates aren't destroyable. These objects look pretty but they just draw attention to the game's limitations when the player tries to use them. You could make it more obvious these objects aren't interactable by having trolleys pushed over, ladders broken etc

    It's trivially easy to lock the mouse automatically and it's impossible to play without mouse lock so it seems like a strange design choice to have a dedicated button for this.

    The motion blur drops the frame rate considerably on low performance machines, it aught to be disabled on lowest settings or maybe used more contextually like when you're hurt.

    The landscape is pretty big but with so little content and no way to move quickly exploration is very dull. I'd either have a countdown when you stray too far, a denser environment or vehicles with a limited amount of fuel and/or health.

    The game is a pretty big download too by webGL standards considering the simplicity of the gameplay and lack of content.

    The two stars I'm giving you are earned because it's free, has no game breaking bugs and yeah it looks pretty. The game could be improved tremendously by either stripping the game back to the parts which work or expanding the game to make everything work. A few more weapons, and enemy types could help a lot too. You can do much better than this.

    Didn't know you had an account here. Been a fan of the series for about a decade.

    Played this on Newgrounds years ago and enjoyed it so much I decided to check out the AA series. Not only is this a fantastic game in it's own right but it introduced me to one of my favorate series of all time.

    Joined on 9/15/17

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