I think the game isn't far of sellable level now so I'm going to start looking in to selling it as a standalone on PC and other platforms.
It will be availibe dirt cheap while it's in early access and the price will go up when it's complete.
Newgrounds has given me countless hours of entertainment for free over the years though so I'll make as much content availible here as realistically possible.
So why would anyone want to pay money for it?
As much as I'd like to have Newgrounds players have access to everything I don't want the game to take too long to load or players will click off. As the game gets larger I can set the game up to download levels when they are sellected which should stop players getting board but NG still has a 100mb limit which will be easily filled once 3d levels, custom snakes and new music become availible.
Performance is also an issue since WebGL is much slower than standalone builds so there's only so far I can push things on here. Standalone builds will have access to higher res models, more detailed textures, higher quality lighting as well as AA, HDR and all the other bells and whistles you'd expect from a paid 3d game.
The paid for version will also (eventually) be packed with extra features which either won't fit in the download limit or won't work with WebGL. At the moment I'm considering help files, concept art, level editor, more advanced snake designer, screenshots, video recording, twitch intergration and whatever else I can throw at it.
After that who knows, maybe console or mobile ports. Split screen is on the way and consoles are sorrily lacking in split screen action these days.